Children's Month - Calm Down and Take Care of You

In this children's month, we're working on feelings and emotions based on the film Inside Out. During the last few weeks, our students have been invited to release anger, anxiety and fear by working with clay. Then we worked on patience during the drying process and finished by bringing what we produced to life, colouring it with the colours that represent their feelings.

Neste mês das crianças, estamos trabalhando os sentimentos e as emoções tendo como base o filme Divertidamente. Durante as últimas semanas, nossos educandos foram convidados a liberar a raiva, a ansiedade e o medo trabalhando com a argila. Então, trabalhamos a paciência durante o processo de secagem e finalizamos trazendo vida ao que produzimos, colorindo com as cores que representam seus sentimentos.